Those Awkward College Days

This was 9 years ago when she started college. She was nineteen years young and new in town. She lived in a student's flat. These aren't like dorms where college students gather in one building. We don't really have dorms here in Denmark but instead we have old flats cheap for rent, which are quite popular among students.

It had been no more than a week since we started classes. I got to know her quick as we were both quirky nerds but in the days that followed, she would complain how her flat settling sometimes woke her up at night. I would tell her that it was common in old apartment buildings. I lived in a similar flat so I am no stranger to floors creaking on their own. When the next Monday came, she was nowhere to be found at school. I texted her and asked where she was and just before the school day was over, she texted me to meet her downtown.

When I got to the Cafe we had agreed upon I found a rather pallid and sleep deprived woman. She slipped me a piece of paper she had found in her mailbox Saturday morning - it was a drawing of her while sleeping!

Needless to say, she hadn't been back in her flat since and moved out real soon.


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